Sunday, December 19, 2010

conserve, reuse, recycle

I think that Samrau's main point is in the sentence "Have you figured out yet that I'm going as a cadaver, an anatomical gift? Hopefully, I won't be admitted soon, but when I do go it will be a fulfillment of my childhood dream of going to med school."
I think that Samrau did a good job of trying to convince people to donate their bodies to science without flat out saying it.  He still got his point across but did it in a very subtle way.  His intent was to convince people to donate their bodies to science after they die so they can reuse it.  When he hides his point in this story it helps support him because it shows some background on why he wanted to be a cadaver.  This helps us see that he was fascinated with people who did this job when he was young and now he is able to do this job that he has always wanted to do.  So, in this case his style of writing helps because it helps you appreciate the reason he is going to medical school.  His way of hiding the message is very interesting and it helps the reader become more intrigued in the writing.  The quote earlier helps us better understand that he has always wanted to donate his body to science and has always wanted to go to medical school.  It is very interesting that he never fully says to donate your body, but by the end of the reading you understand that that truly is his main point.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

analysis of a hymn

This hymn written by Martin Luther was mostly about how God has sent His Son to come and save us from our sins. The hymn uses description in the phrase "Brightly doth Thy manger shine,
Glorious is its light divine." This phrase is describing how beautiful Jesus manger truly was and how it was glowing from Jesus glory. When Martin says this it helps us better understand how radiant Jesus is and how glorious He truly is. It helps us see how even though Jesus was born in a manger He still made it beautiful. This passage helps us comprehend that Jesus can take even the smallest and ugliest things and make them stand out. The theme of this story is about how much God loves us that He sent His one and only Son to come and save us. It shows how much Jesus loves us that he was willing to be born in a manger. Martin Luther was trying to get across how much God loves us and how much Jesus loves us. It shows that we should praise God for all that He has done for us. We should also praise Jesus for coming to human flesh to come and save us in our sinfulness.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

sermon diagnostic

1. 27 times
2. makes holy, slain, took, is Lamb, died, lives, rose, reigns, makes us alive, came, makes, reigns now.
3. The theme of Edward's sermon was mainly to put fear into the minds of his listeners. He talked about how much they sin and how if they continue to sin, they will go to hell and be eternally condemned. Borghardt's sermon was more about how much Jesus loves you and how he died for you so that you could be forgiven. His sermon was about how Jesus is still there with us today and will always be there. Edwards hardly talked about Jesus at all and focused on our punishment, while Borghardt's sermon focused on Jesus love for us always.